Documents de référence


European Students' Union (2010), Student-centred learning: Toolkit for students, staff and higher education institutions, Brussels : ESU

Date de parution: 1 octobre 2010

Extrait de l'introduction :

This Toolkit forms part of the project entitled Time for a New Paradigm in Education:

Student-Centred Learning (t4scl), jointly led by the European Students' Union (esu) and Education International (ei).This is an EU-funded project under the Lifelong Learning Programme (llp) administered by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (eacea). t4scl, as a pioneer initiative, aims to assist policy makers in designing sound studentcentred learning (scl) strategies and approaches and to increase the capacity of student and staff representative organisations to be active partners in spreading a culture of scl in higher education institutions across Europe. The project aims to provide comprehensive insight into the necessary tools, challenges and success stories of scl as a fundamental basis for lifelong learning (lll). It also aims to provide concrete policy input-during and beyond the project lifetime-to ongoing discussions as to the future of the EU Education & Training Programme and the next phase of the Bologna Process.

Following on from the initial desk research and survey undertaken with both ei and esu member organisations (higher education staff unions and national student unions respectively), published in May 2010, this toolkit is one of the last initiatives, marking the end phase of the project. It represents a key outcome of the project. This toolkit follows extensive research and a series of events at both European and national levels, combined with trainings on the subject-matter.

This toolkit is designed for effective, practical implementation of scl by teaching staff, students and institutional leaders. It aims to show how practical and achievable scl is, as well as being highly beneficial for learners.

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