European higher education has been in constant flux for well over a decade. However, some voices are predicting that the real revolution still lies ahead. Labour market demands and technological innovation are often cited as factors triggering change, with MOOCs, growth in private for-profit providers and increased global competition between institutions and countries given as evidence that disruptive change is already underway. Fears are being voiced that universities could run the risk of losing significance, if they continue to follow current learning and teaching models, which, as some argue, may be unable to respond to the urgent need for more and better higher education at lower costs.
Which trends are transforming learning and teaching, and how should European universities respond? EUA's 2014 Annual Conference will explore innovative teaching approaches that are being developed, discussed or introduced, and consider their implications for the organisation of learning and teaching processes in the years to come. High-level international and European speakers will reflect on the opportunities and challenges entailed by the transformation of learning and teaching in other world regions, and on the impact of mobility and internationalisation on learning and teaching processes at European institutions. The conference will thus provide a forum for discussing how universities in Europe and beyond respond to current pressures for change and try to anticipate tomorrow's educational needs.