7 juin 2012

ENQA Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Seminar

7-8 June 2012, Valladolid, Spain

Annual ENQA Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Seminar "Assessing impact - Using external reviews and evaluations for internal learning", will be held on the 7-8 June 2012, Valladolid, Spain.

ENQA, in collaboration with ACSUCYL, will organise its annual IQA Seminar in Valladolid, Spain on 7-8 June 2012 on the theme of "Assessing impact - Using external reviews and evaluations for internal learning". The seminar will create the opportunity to present the results of the "impact survey", completed beforehand by ENQA member agencies, in three different sessions: "General principles of IQA", "The Internal Impact of External Reviews" and "Assessing Impact of Evaluations for Internal Learning" and share the experiences of each agency in the field.

A limited number of member agencies will do short presentations and share their practices and experiences under each session topic.


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