24 octobre 2013

EURASHE seminar on implementation of internal and external quality assurance

The Seminar on QA will take place on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October 2013. It will be followed by EURASHE internal events, including a meeting of its Council on Saturday 26 October.

Background and purpose of the seminar

The European dimension of quality assurance is based on a guaranteed flexibility for governments to choose their system or ‘model‘ of quality assurance, while observing the generic European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG), which are universally used in all European institutions of higher education conducting their own internal quality assurance and/or being subjected to external quality assurance by agencies.

EURASHE as a European members' organisation with a broad representation in the majority of countries in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has committed itself to provide hands-on support to higher education institutions in the implementation of the priority areas of the Bologna Reform Process, a logical consequence of the creation of the EHEA in 2010, where the focus has shifted to implementation of the ‘Bologna achievements' on the institutional level. This is certainly the case for quality assurance, as one of the domains with most visible successes, on systemic and institutional level.


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