
All AEQES evaluations is schedulded every six years and is completed by a mid-term update called mid-term progress record.


Initial programmatic evaluations concern the study programmes of the first and second cycles (diplomas, bachelor's and master's degrees) which have never been evaluated by the Agency. The aim of the external evaluation is to assess the quality of the programmes and of their quality Assurance systems. An initial evaluation is based on the use of the 5-criteria framework. A compilation and assessment guide can help both institutions and experts in their evaluation.


Continuous programmatic evaluations concern the study programmes of the first and second cycles which have already been evaluated by the Agency. They aim to support higher education institutions in their dynamic of continuous improvement, in the continuation of actions put in place and in the development of steering tools. In doing so, the procedure ensures that an active commitment to an integrated quality culture is maintained together with a balance between internal and external quality assurance mechanisms. The reference framework for continuous evaluations is composed of three criteria. It devotes more attention to measuring the quality culture within the higher education institutions evaluated.

The initial or continuous programmatic evaluation comprises three phases:

  1. the self-assessment by the institution whose programme is being evaluated;
  2. the external evaluation by a panel of independent experts selected by the Agency. This phase includes in particular a visit and the publication of the experts' report;
  3. the publication of an action plan drawn up by the institution and its implementation; the midterm update record.

All evaluations led by AEQES -both programmatic and institutional- are complemented by a mid-term progress record, used to document the progress made by the institutions evaluated.


Between 2019 and 2023, the AEQES is implementing a pilot phase of institutional reviews in 17 volunteer institutions ; for more information, please see : (in French).

© 2024 - Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Avenue du Port, 16 - 0P08 - B-1080 Bruxelles
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education Le Réseau FrAQ-Sup - Réseau francophone des agences qualité pour l'enseignement supérieur